7.08.2011 About the IDSP in the tv programme „Hranice dokořán - Rozmówki polsko-czeskie”
(„Open boundary - Polish-Czech conversations”) broadcasted by
TVP Wrocław (in Polish)
and by
ČT24 (in Czech)
(start at 20 minute).
2.11.2010 Article
„Preserving darkness” in The Polish Science Voice (pp. 14-15, in English).
17.09.2010 Article „Niebo gwiaĽdziste nade mn±” („The starry sky above me”)
in the newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza (in Polish).
12.07.2010 Article „Vidět tisíc hvězd”
(„To see thousand of stars”) in the journal Respekt (in Czech).
24.05.2010 Interview with czech astronomer Jiří Grygar in newspaper Mladá fronta Dnes,
„Tmu je třeba chránit. Děti uľ dnes
neznají krásu hvězd” („Darkness should be preserved. Children don't know the beauty of stars nowadays”; in Czech).
10.11.2009 Interview with famous czech astronomer Jiří Grygar about the dark sky park in newspaper Mladá fronta Dnes,
„Kdyľ bude tma, uvidíte pět planet”
(„If there is dark, you will see five planets”; in Czech).
4-16.11.2009 Information about the Izera Dark-Sky Park opening:
Article „V Jizerkách chtějí
chránit tmu” („Darkness will be protected in Jizera Mountains”) in the newspapers Jablonecký deník i Liberecký deník (in Czech)
„Česko má v Jizerkách první rezervaci tmy!”
(„Czechia has the first darkness preserve in Jizera Mountains”), i.e. slightly different about the Izera Dark-Sky Park opening in the program Jan Kraus
a blondýna broadcasted by radio Frekvence 1 (in Czech)
15.09.2009 Article about Izera Dark-Sky Park in internet edition of the newspaper
Mladá fronta Dnes „Tma - vzácná a chráněná” („Darkness - rare and preserved”; in Czech).
12.09.2009 Article about Izera Dark-Sky Park in internet edition of the newspaper
Lidové noviny
„První rezervace tmy?” („The first darkness preserve?”; in Czech).
10.09.2009 Article about Izera Dark-Sky Park in internet and paper edition of
monthly magazine Ekolist
„Rezervace tmy” („Darkness preserve”; in Czech).
01.2009 Article in monthly magazine Sudety „Potrzeba nieba” („The need for sky”) describing
School Workshop on Astronomy and Izera Projects (in Polish).
29.09.2008 Article in Saxony newspaper Sächsische Zeitung
„Den Sternen ein Stück näher”
(„Stars a bit closer”; in German).